Nerub`ar Palace Normal Carry

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9.00 $
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5% cashback
You receive 5% cash-back of the amount spent on each purchase back to your account. You can pay up to 30% of the total cost using your bonus balance on purchase.
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Delivery time
Starting at
9.00 $

Experience a loot run through all 8 bosses of the 11.0 raid, at difficulty with our Nerub’ar Palace NM boost. You’ll have the chance to grab gear, achievements and valuable loot from The War Withins raid. Join our Nerub’ar Palace NM carry to take on Queen Ansurek and her minions in a raid adventure. At Boostcarry we are dedicated to providing top notch service from the launch of the raid. Count on our Nerub’ar Palace NM boosting services for an experience.

Nerub`ar Palace Normal Raid Boost 

It’s time to foil Queen Ansureks scheme to collect the blood of the gods. Immerse yourself in the battle firsthand. Seize the opportunity to claim valuable rewards. By securing your place in Nerub’ar Palace, The War Within boost will prepare you to take on and defeat 8 bosses from The War Within expansion raid. The specific names of bosses for the Nerub’ar Palace raid have not been disclosed yet.

While embarking on your adventure in Nerub’ar Palace at a difficulty level in World of Warcraft your character will have chances to equip themselves with gear for that level. Expect the loot quality to enhance as you progress through encounters leading up to the showdown, with Queen Ansurek herself. Additionally there is a chance of acquiring new class tier set pieces that will boost your character with bonuses designed for your class and specialization powers. Opt for our Nerub’ar Palace Normal carry services for a raiding experience without needing to master tactics or put together a skilled raid team.

Product contains
  • Full Nerub’ar Palace NM run!
  • 8/8 NP Normal boss kills, including Queen Ansurek.
  • Chance to get high ilvl loot.
  • Chance to get set pieces.
  • Achievement Nerub’ar Palace
Loot options explanation:
  1. Group Loot

    If you choose this option you will roll for all items in the raid along with other players. It means that whether you receive an item or not depends on sheer luck. In most cases, you can get about 1-2 items.

  2. Unsaved group loot

    we'll increase the number of unsaved players in the raid group to provide you with 4-6 items for roll from every boss. At the same time, there are no guaranteed items, but your gearing chances will be higher.

  3. Armor and tier priority (ATP)

    Only you'll roll suitable for your class tokens and armor. Non-set items (necks, rings, trinkets, cloaks, and weapons) will be rolled among you and the other 3 customers.

  4. Full priority

    You will get all suitable loot, from armor and tier set tokens to non-set gear, trinkets, and weapons, without limitation because you will be the only customer in the raid group.

  • The character’s level is 80;
  • Active subscription to WoW The War Within.
Additional Details
Additional Details

Nerub`ar Palace Normal Raid Run 

Are you looking to join a run at Nerub’ar Palace on the normal difficulty level in World of Warcraft? This raid offers a starting point in The War Within expansion providing advantages.

By opting for the Nerub’ar Palace Normal boost you open up opportunities to acquire gear and exclusive cosmetic rewards. Here are some benefits of choosing this boost:

  •  Progress through the raid tier.
  •  Enjoy prices due to the lower difficulty level.
  •  Secure significant gear from the Vault after each weekly reset.
  •  Experience new bosses and mechanics with seasoned PvE players.
  •  Collect cosmetic transmog items.
  •  Earn new raid achievements for your collection.
  •  Have a chance to obtain WoW mounts and pets during the carry.

Boostcarry guarantees notch Nerub’ar Palace Normal raid runs. Our experienced teams ensure efficient completion of all encounters with wipes.

Expect changes in distribution within Nerub’ar Palace Normal, with The War Within expansion offering a variety of possibilities throughout the raid.The specific changes, to gear levels in the mode, such as an increase of 6 to 7 points beyond the levels are currently unclear.

Information regarding item levels and the allocation of higher level loot from bosses in Nerub’ar Palace is still under development and not available for sharing. The complete scope of these modifications and how they will affect raiding will be explained closer, to or upon the expansion’s launch.

We use secure VPN connections and encryption protocols to mask boosting process and protect your personal data.
We guarantee your money refund in accordance with refund policy We do our best to satisfy our customers, and we are always on the customer side on any issues.
Loyalty system
You receive 5% cash-back of the amount spent on each purchase back to your account. You can pay up to 30% of the total cost using your bonus balance on purchase.
You will get
You receive 5% cash-back of the amount spent on each purchase back to your account.
Option Total