WoW Fel Werebear Druid Form

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Delivery time
1-2 hours / 1 day
Starting at
12.00 $
Moneyback guarantees
We guarantee your money refund in accordance with refund policy We do our best to satisfy our customers, and we are always on the customer side on any issues.
Trustpilot reviews
5% cashback
You receive 5% cash-back of the amount spent on each purchase back to your account. You can pay up to 30% of the total cost using your bonus balance on purchase.
Ban safety
We use secure VPN connections and encryption protocols to mask boosting process and protect your personal data.
Delivery time
1-2 hours / 1 day
Starting at
12.00 $

By buying this service you get Fel Werebear form unlocked for your Druid character. Werebear form was thought to be lost and unobtainable, but with return of Mage Tower in Legion timewalking event it is once again possible to get this unique brutish form.

The Fel Werebear Druid Form boost can save you hours of failed attempts and allow to simply buy this awesome guardian druid fel bear form. All you need to do is to complete “The Hightlord’s Return” challenge. However, it is far from being your average simple task. Mage tower was always knows for its crushing difficulty, and you might want to use some help from a professional druid player.

Don’t waste your chance to get it within the next three weeks till December, 27th. We will complete the “Highlord’s Return” Mage Tower challenge for you to unlock this beautiful Guardian Druid form.

Fel Werebear Druid Form boost contains:
  • Fel Werebear Druid form unlocked
  • The Highlord’s Return druid tank challenge completed
  • T20 transmogrification set with the new recolor
  • Progress on your “A Tour of Towers” achievement, which gives you new unique Mage-Bound Spelltome mount
Available Options
  • Sharing Account Login Data: service is piloted. Our pro-players will use Premium VPN to disguise account transfer to match your location
Additional Details
Additional Details
We use secure VPN connections and encryption protocols to mask boosting process and protect your personal data.
We guarantee your money refund in accordance with refund policy We do our best to satisfy our customers, and we are always on the customer side on any issues.
Loyalty system
You receive 5% cash-back of the amount spent on each purchase back to your account. You can pay up to 30% of the total cost using your bonus balance on purchase.
You will get
You receive 5% cash-back of the amount spent on each purchase back to your account.
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